Summer 1987 Gallery 1 Pl 2 Pl 13-14-15 Pl Comds 14 Pl Safari 15 Pl A Coy Angus Fairrie Anti Tank and Recce Anti Tank Bn Football Squad Bn Referees Catering Pl D Coy – LCpl Brews D Coy HQ D Coy Mt Kenya Football – A coy Football – B coy Football – D Coy Football – HQ Coy Football – S Coy Jap Rattray Kids Party Lt Lewis Lucknow Mortars 2-51 Highland MT New CO Paddy Mills Plum Logan Ps and Ds QM’s Phid Evans Recce S Coy – The minister and Cpl Brennan S Coy HQ SDD Glencorse Minden Pl Seaforth Branch Association The Moray Shield Tosh B Coy V Coy 1-51 Highland